Green Power Denmark’s roadmap for an electrified Europe: EP input 2024-2029

Green Power Denmark’s roadmap for an electrified Europe: EP input 2024-2029

Green Power Denmark has presented its EP Input for 2024-2029, introducing four new key priorities aimed at increasing renewable energy production and realizing the ambition of an electrified Europe.

In its latest input for the EU’s upcoming political term, EP Input 2024-2029: Electrified Europe, Green Power Denmark outlines four key priorities. These include the electrification of Europe, accelerated expansion of renewable energy, enhancement of the European power grid, and strengthening of the green industry in Europe.

According to Green Power Denmark, the path to a sustainable, competitive, and secure Europe lies in a strong focus on renewable energy, smart energy efficiency, and electrification. The past five years have seen an increasing prioritization of the green transition, with the EU adopting several legislative packages that have bolstered the green agenda. However, Green Power Denmark emphasizes that significant challenges remain. Europe has not yet sufficiently focused on how to fully optimize the use of the green electricity being produced.

Green Power Denmark stresses that the next five years must be dedicated to electrification. To replace the black energy from coal, oil, and natural gas with green electricity, a targeted effort is required to ensure that electrification receives the necessary attention on the EU’s agenda.

For Aalborg Renewables and other players in the green sector, this signifies an even greater role in the future energy landscape, where innovation and collaboration are crucial to realizing the vision of an electrified Europe.

Read more about the input from Green Power Denmark (in Danish).
