Denmark’s largest tender of offshore wind farms

Denmark’s largest tender of offshore wind farms

Today marks a significant milestone for the wind industry in Denmark as the tendering process for 6 new offshore wind farms begins. This tender is the largest in Denmark’s history since the construction of the first offshore wind farm 33 years ago. This tender will unlock entirely new green opportunities in Denmark and play a crucial role in achieving climate goals.

Powering Progress: The Promise of Offshore Wind 

The tender offers a glimpse into Denmark’s ambitious renewable energy goals, with plans to establish 6 gigawatts (GW) of offshore wind capacity distributed across 6 wind farms in the North Sea, Baltic Sea, and Kattegat. For every GW installed, it has the potential to power 1 million Danish or European households underscores the transformative power of offshore wind energy.

A new aspect of this tender is the freedom to install as much offshore wind as desired in the designated area. If the potential for optimizing the use of the area is fully utilized, it provides opportunities to produce even more gigawatts (GW). In fact, it could result in as much as 10 GW or more.

From Local Solutions to Global Impact

As Denmark opens the door to new possibilities on such a grand scale, the benefits extend far beyond meeting domestic energy demands. The surplus energy generated has the potential to be shared with neighboring countries and utilized in the production of green hydrogen, positioning Denmark as a key player in Europe’s green energy landscape.

The development of these wind farms will stimulate the growth of green jobs, further solidifying Denmark’s role as a leader in sustainable innovation.
