Railway news: Direct rail connection from Italy to Aalborg with ColliCare Logistics

Railway news: Direct rail connection from Italy to Aalborg with ColliCare Logistics

Port of Aalborg has entered into a collaboration with ColliCare Logistics to ensure a future direct daily connection from Italy to Aalborg via the railway. This is yet another step in Port of Aalborg’s massive investment in the railway.

This week, the first goods wagon from ColliCare Logistics rolled into the rail terminal in the East Port – direct from Modena in Italy. ColliCare Logistics, which is an international, Norwegian-owned transport group with 400 employees across 11 countries, has decided to include North Jutland and Aalborg’s rail hub in its European rail network between Italy and Scandinavia. Specifically, this means that in the future, all kinds of goods will be able to transported to and from Modena in a competitive, safe, and environmentally-sound manner.

Massive investment in the railway

Port of Aalborg believes that freight transport by rail will be one of tomorrow’s key forms of transport due to its sustainable profile.

– The railway is currently experiencing a period of growth and we can see that more and more businesses are realising that rail is a flexible, environmentally-sound and competitive logistics solution. For this reason, we are investing and continually expanding the facilities to ensure that we are at the cutting edge of developments and to enable us to offer our clients the best possible future-proofed solutions via Port of Aalborg. For example, we’re currently working on an upgrade of the terminal’s rail track with grooved rails as well as an expansion of the terminal area at the Multi-terminal in the East Port. And there’s more to come, asserts Rasmus Munk Kolind, Commercial Manager at Port of Aalborg, who continues:

– At Port of Aalborg, we are very much looking forward to developing our business on the railway front together with ColliCare Logistics, which is a strong international railway stakeholder with good people and a good network to back it up.


If you would like to hear more about the opportunities for incorporating the railway into your logistics solutions with ColliCare Logistics or Port of Aalborg, then contact one of the following:
