New building in the East Port will strengthen commercial development despite COVID-19

New building in the East Port will strengthen commercial development despite COVID-19

While the coronavirus crisis has meant large challenges for most of the commercial world, the struggle to keep things moving throughout the entire Port of Aalborg area has initiated the construction of 6,000 m2 of new storage buildings, which is due to start in a couple of weeks.

While many businesses have reduced production or put it entirely on standby, Port of Aalborg is currently initiating a large-scale build of three new warehouses totalling 6,000 m2 in its East Port.

– Now more than ever, it’s important that we keep the wheels rolling wherever we can, so that we don’t wake up to a world that has come to a complete standstill once we come out the other side of the coronavirus epidemic, says Thomas Kastrup-Larsen, Mayor of Aalborg and chair of the board of directors of Port of Aalborg.

Shortage of storage capacity

There has been a massive shortage of production and storage capacity in Denmark for many years now, particularly in North Jutland. As a supplement to the existing facilities in the East Port, Port of Aalborg therefore built four new storage buildings in 2018, each measuring 2,000 m2 under the name Harbour Storage. The four storage buildings were almost entirely leased out before construction on the project was completed. Now the total storage capacity at the East Port is once again approaching 100% in use, and there is an acute need for more.

– When a business starts needing extra storage capacity, we should be able to act quickly. This is why we strive to be ahead of demand, so that we can offer the best service and flexibility, says Kjartan Ross, sales manager at Port of Aalborg.

At the end of 2019, Port of Aalborg therefore sent the building of an additional three new storage buildings out to tender, and the winner was NCC Danmark, which will begin building at the start of April.

Flexibility and an attractive location

The three new buildings are an expansion of the Harbour Storage halls and are constructed as universal halls which are able to meet most tenants’ needs for warehousing, logistics and lighter production facilities.

– They’ll be copies of the existing [buildings], with ramps and a focus on flexibility. The halls will be built together but with firewalls between them, so that one business can actually rent two halls in combination. The halls will also be fully insulated, so tenants can control the temperature and adapt them to the products being stored. One of the existing warehouses includes a large cold store, while others store dry goods, so there is a wide range of possibilities, elaborates Kjartan Ross.

Furthermore, the placement of the new storage buildings directly over the container terminal in the East Port will offer companies significant time savings, as loading from ship to warehouse requires minimal additional transport. The first of the three halls has already been leased out – before building has even got underway.

– It’s moving so quickly, and we’re actually already looking at where we can build more storage buildings, reveals Kjartan Ross.

Supports commercial development across all of Aalborg

The commercial area of Aalborg East has been designated as Aalborg’s future commercial development and growth zone by Aalborg Municipality. According to Kjartan Ross, there is not only the space and the knowledge but also strong stakeholders in the area to drive and strengthen commercial development – even in times of crisis, such as now. Thomas Kastrup-Larsen also sees Port of Aalborg as a strong driver for the area.

– It’s really good for Aalborg that in these difficult times, Port of Aalborg still has the muscles and the ability to invest in and develop our business park. Now is when we can really show our strength and ability to create development. I look forward to seeing the finished building, which will help to strengthen Port of Aalborg’s ability to support commercial ventures in Aalborg and North Jutland, concludes Thomas Kastrup-Larsen.

Construction of the three new storage buildings will commence at the start of April, and they are expected to be finished and ready to take into use on 1 October 2020.

For further details, please contact:

  • Thomas Kastrup-Larsen, Mayor of Aalborg and chair of the board of directors of Port of Aalborg A/S, +45 99 31 15 00 and
  • Kjartan Ross, Sales Manager, Port of Aalborg A/S, tel. +45 99 30 15 05 and
  • Press Service: Maja Thordahl Schou, Communication Consultant, Port of Aalborg A/S, tel. +45 22 61 83 08 and