Industry blossoms in Aalborg East

Industry blossoms in Aalborg East

With nature and biodiversity in mind, the Port of Aalborg is currently redeveloping large areas in the business park in Aalborg East. The fuel cell company Blue World Technologies will also contribute to that agenda by landscaping a wildflower meadow on an over one-hectare site at the business park.

Shelterbelts, rows of trees, flowering beds and much more. Nature has moved into the industrial business park in Aalborg East, in which several sites are currently being transformed from tightly mowed lawns into more biodiverse landscapes.

Over the past five years, Port of Aalborg, which operates the business park, has designated 63,800 m2 for beautification and biodiversity purposes, and this development is set to continue, explains Lasse Frimand Jensen, Chairman of Port of Aalborg Logistics:

– Sustainable development and the realisation of the UN’s sustainable development goals are key focal points for our activities, and by transforming land not used for business purposes into natural areas, we encourage stronger biodiversity, making our business park greener and more environmentally friendly. Moreover, wild flowers and willow trees, for example, also help to brighten up and beautify a generally plain industrial and logistics centre. We believe natural environments can also help to energise and bring smiles to the faces of the many people who go to work every day in the East port, says Lasse Frimand Jensen, who emphasises that several of Port of Aalborg’s customers welcome these initiatives:

– Increasing biodiversity and our work of creating sustainable development in general, are not only important for us as a company but also for our owner Aalborg Municipality. It is also important for both current and future customers and partners, as the green bottom line today plays an increasingly significant role in companies.

One of the companies in the business park with a strong focus on the green bottom line is the fuel cell manufacturer Blue World Technologies. The company, which is working to ensure a significantly greener transport sector through the development and promotion of methanol fuel cell technology, has recently decided to follow Port of Aalborg’s biodiversity initiatives by landscaping a wildflower meadow on an over one-hectare site:

– Although as a company working with green technology, we typically look at how our products can help to make a difference on a global scale, we must not forget that we must also try to make a difference locally when we can. A lawn is not much good for nature and biodiversity, so we have now started to landscape a large flower meadow with Danish native species that benefit both insects and us, who see the area every day, explains CEO and co-founder of Blue World Technologies, Anders Korsgaard.

The landscaping work in the form of cultivation and sowing has just been completed.

Nature gaining in popularity

For the landscaping of the new flower meadow, Blue World Technologies enlisted the services of the landscape gardening company Forstas. At the same time, Forstas is also the contractor for Port of Aalborg’s nature enhancement projects, and according to Contract Manager Rasmus Sudergaard, interest for these kinds of initiatives has never been greater:

– The trend has definitely taken off this year, which is reflected in the fact that almost all the seed mixtures are currently sold out. This development is being particularly driven by a clear green agenda specifically focused on enhancing conditions for biodiversity. However, despite the installation costs, such initiatives can in some cases also be economically rewarding, as you can potentially reduce operating costs, including e.g., fuel costs, he says and continues:

– Furthermore, it is about beautification and therefore we work hard to show the intentional design behind our efforts. In Blue World Technology’s new flower meadow, this is expressed, for example, by encircling the wild meadow with freshly cut grass. We also established paths through the wild landscape in order to divide the area into fields with different plantings. The paths are also installed because they positively impact the wildlife. Breeding birds such as partridges and pheasants as well as leverets need a place, where they can stay dry and warm.

Forstas has been responsible for Port of Aalborg’s operational and maintenance tasks, including infrastructure and sites, since the parties concluded a partnership and operations agreement back in the beginning of 2020. Moreover, this collaboration has been crucial for our nature enhancement activities, explains Lasse Frimand Jensen:

– The collaboration has added new competencies to our operations, such as the care and maintenance of green areas. Consequently, we have raised the standards and professionalism of our nature enhancement efforts as you can see, says Lasse Frimand Jensen, who is backed by Rasmus Sudergaard:

– While flower meadows are a huge trend right now, we are already in full swing examining new solutions that can support biodiversity and wildlife. More specifically, we will be commencing a new project soon on Port of Aalborg’s new site Ankeret (the anchor). Here, we will be positioning a large number of tree trunks and boulders around a rainwater basin, which will benefit microorganisms and small insects, Rasmus Sudergaard concludes.

For further information, please contact:

  • Lasse Frimand Jensen, Chairman, Port of Aalborg Logistics, tel. +45 31 99 06 49 and
  • Anders Korsgaard, CEO, Blue World Technologies, via Head of PR and Communication Anne Kvist, tel. +45 31 60 16 71 and
  • Rasmus Sudergaard, Contract Manager, Forstas, tel. +45 29 82 88 34 and
  • Press service: Maja Thordahl Schou, Head of Branding & PR, Port of Aalborg A/S, tel. +45 22 61 83 08 and