E-commerce is booming: Nordic logistics concern establishes new distribution centre at the port of Aalborg

E-commerce is booming: Nordic logistics concern establishes new distribution centre at the port of Aalborg

In the autumn, Bring is moving into the business park at the East port in Aalborg. The new location will form the framework for the post and logistics player’s new North Jutland distribution centre in the future. This is apparent on top of a recently signed lease agreement involving 2,000 m2 of storage and distribution facilities in one of Port of Aalborg’s new warehouses.

Strong growth and increasing demand in e-commerce are among the reasons why the Nordic logistics concern Bring and Port of Aalborg have just concluded a lease agreement for new warehousing and distribution facilities.

Through the agreement, Bring establishes a new distribution centre in one of Port of Aalborg’s 2,000 m2 warehouses in the business park in Aalborg East, which will become a central link in the logistics company’s North Jutland distribution chain in the future:

– We are first and foremost pleased that the agreement has been concluded. We have for a long time been looking for a location for a new distribution centre that should facilitate our activities throughout North Jutland. And here, the business park at the East Port has proven to be an ideal location, says Distribution Manager of Bring Denmark, Johnnie Guldbrandt.

A part of ambitious climate targets

Besides consolidating Bring’s presence in North Jutland, the new distribution centre should also further boost Bring’s rapid development within e-commerce and their green ambitions:

– The new distribution centre both future-proofs our North Jutland distribution chain and supports our ambitious climate targets. The facility is newly built and equipped for the charging of electric vehicles, which matches our vision to run both transport and distribution centres on renewable energy sources by 2025, explains Johnnie Guldbrandt.

Massive e-commerce places new demands on logistics

As a consequence of substantial interest in online shopping, Bring has experienced increasing activity in Denmark in recent years. Now the new facilities shall help to ensure that Bring has the necessary capacity for continued growth in e-commerce:

– In order to meet the growing demand and continue to provide efficient services, more capacious facilities are necessary. We are moving in just before Black Friday and Christmas, which is our busiest time of the year, to afford us optimal conditions for servicing our North Jutland customers, says the Director of E-commerce and Logistics at Bring Denmark, Per Buus.

Port of Aalborg are delighted that yet another prominent player in the logistics sector has chosen to locate in the business park.

– There is already a considerable concentration of companies within the logistics sector gathered at the port, which all require modern, future-proofed facilities. This confirms the importance of facilitating the framework for growth and development for these companies, and now we look forward to also helping Bring take the next steps, says Port of Aalborg’s Commercial Manager, Real Estate, Jeppe Faber.

The agreement between Port of Aalborg and Bring comes into effect on 1 November 2021.

For further information, please contact:

  • Jeppe Faber, Commercial Manager, Real Estate, Port of Aalborg A/S, tel. +45 99 30 15 03 and jfa@portofaalborg.com
  • Press service: Maja Thordahl Schou, Head of Branding & PR, Port of Aalborg A/S, tel. +45 22 61 83 08 and mts@portofaalborg.com